Sorry for the delay, School and some other things *cough* Dragon Age: Origins *cough* halted my painting progress for a little while, but now I've been working on this tutorial for you guys over about 3 days time. And it's done :D
Step one:

Basecoat the model with Adeptus Battle Grey
Step 2:

Drybrush with Fortress Grey
Step 3:

Wash the model Babab Black
Step 4:

Drybrush Codex Grey, in this step I try to get more paint where the light is supposed to be hitting the model's surfaces.
Step 5:

Now Drybrush with fortress Grey again, still keeping in mind where the light is supposed to hit the surfaces (this is only if you want to achieve such an effect on the model).
Step 6:

Highlight the model with Fortress Grey
Step 7:

Now I create an 1:10 mix of Vermin Brown : Water and wash the darker/deeper areas of the model.
Step 8:

Now I create an 1:10 mix of Scorched Brown : Water and go over the entire model, but I try to get more in the darker/deeper parts of the model.
Step 9:

Now I go back, highlighting all the most prominent areas of the model.
You are now done :D
And just to show you guys why on earth it took 3 days to complete the tutorial, well... I kind of did it on many models at the same time....

I'm hoping you'll enjoy this tutorial, please comment if you do :)
And I'll try to have 2-3 more models finished with my next post.